The new world of real estate investments

The mission of Rendity is to positively change real estate capital investment and investment culture in Europe by overcoming existing barriers through modern technologies.
Lukas Müller
Lukas Müller
Co-Founder & CEO
Tobias Leodolter
Tobias Leodolter
Co-Founder & CIO
Paul Brezina
Paul Brezina
The Rendity Team
Our journey of the past years has built the great team we are today - the same team that will revolutionize an entire industry by challenging every rule and norm.
Stephan Holzbach
Stephan Holzbach
Chief Marketing Officer
Sterling Hintze
Sterling Hintze
Chief Financial Officer
Olivia Kemp
Olivia Kemp
Chief Operations Officer & Head of Legal
Uwe Hasekamp
Uwe Hasekamp
Geschäftsführer Rendity Deutschland
Gerald Strobl
Gerald Strobl
Frontend Developer
Bernhard Mühl
Bernhard Mühl
Backend Developer
Shahbaz Ali
Shahbaz Ali
Backend Developer
Daniel Koller
Daniel Koller
Junior Developer
Eva Gauper
Eva Gauper
Design Manager
Katarina Celen
Katarina Celen
Sabrina Rohatsch
Sabrina Rohatsch
Michael Stich
Michael Stich
Customer Support
Advisory Board
Experienced experts in various fields are advising us.
Michael Mitterdorfer
Michael Mitterdorfer
Managing Director of Alosima Capital GmbH, former CEO of Amisola Immobilien AG and responsible for the development and asset management of the real estate group of Karl Wlaschek Privatstiftung.
Daniel Keiper-Knorr
Daniel Keiper-Knorr
Founding Partner von Speedinvest und Experte im Bereich Venture Capital und Private Banking.
Markus Jandrinitsch
Markus Jandrinitsch
Investment Manager des aws Gründerfonds.
We value working in a motivating environment: exchanging expertise and sharing laughter with colleagues. An environment where everyone contributes and supports each other.
We live an open communication and a positive error culture, because: Failures made are lessons learned. Errors are in our eyes an essential building block for progress.
Despite our great passion for the finance industry, work-life balance is also important. Flexible working hours are a given for us and part of our agile way of working. Our office playlists help us to stay in rhythm.

Join the Rendity Team